Countway Library of Medicine

Society Librarians

Society Librarians offer unique perspective and expertise in support of student learning. They are the first point of contact for students at the Countway that help find resources and consider search strategies. They also have introduce you to new databases and knowledge bases. 

Contact your Society Librarian for: 

  • Small group and hands-on instruction
  • Support for scholarly publication
  • Accessing history of medicine and public health resources
  • Evidence-based medicine instruction
  • Research consultation
  • Student engagement
  • Curriculum support
  • Resources discovery and more...

Society Librarians contact info:

Cannon Society
Castle Society
London Society (HST)
Hinton Society
Peabody Society

MD students walking out of the Countway Library

Useful Links for HMS Students

Countway Library of Medicine 


Clinical Information Sources (AccessMedicine, DynaMed Plus, and other basic resources)

Exam Preparation (Qbanks, test prep books, materials to help you prepare for all sorts of exams: USMLE, Boards, USDME, Shelf exams and more)

Drug and Pharmacology Resources (Micromedex, NaturalMedicines and more)

Mobile Applications (Medicine on the go)

Countway Study Spaces are available by reservation

Therapy Dogs Supporting student wellness with therapy dogs at the library

Sporting Equipment is available for loan at the lending desk. Check out a frisbee on a sunny day at the Quad.